Sunday, August 31, 2008

Happy Labor Day from Worcesteristas!

(Although I'm not sure I should really be celebrating, being sans job and all! Oh well, a little eye candy never hurt anyone!)

Is it hot in here?

And, yes, it is ok to still wear white after Monday!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

It's that time of year again...

...back to school!

Which really only means one thing around the Tatnuck area: new, fine college specimens to check out on my daily workout1!

Things haven't been all that interesting on my three mile strut jog, now that Little League is over and the DILFs aren't out. (When does Little League start up again anyways? Answer: not soon enough.) We just get the occasional honk from the teenage admirers, the exaggerated stares from the brothers rollin' by, and, of course, the thumbs up from Wheelchair Guy who's always scootin' around Mill Street2.

But, now, school's back in session (or soon will be for others!) and the eye candy will be plentiful.

1. Some call me Mrs. Robinson. I kid, I kid. And, it's not like they're all under 21. For instance, KG and I's new favorite bartender for martinis: self-described as on the "ten year plan at Worcester State." Not overly ambitious, but good to look at, and he makes one fine Cosmo.
2. All of these: always appreciated.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Worcester Tornados

Last night, I went to a Worcester Tornados game at Hanover Insurance Field, at Holy Cross. This is one of my favorite summertime activities, as both the tickets at the beer are cheap. The stadium is pretty small and the seats are better than I would get at a Sox game, so I usually pay attention a little more. AAA Ball tends to have better action, because these guys are still gunning to make it to the big leagues and if their visas expire they turn into pumpkins (aka shipped back to Cuba). Plus, there is the added thrill of a foul ball at any time. I have an irrational fear of foul balls. And 35 year old men who still bring their baseball gloves to the game.1

Last night's game was special in a few ways. This was the first game I've attended where the actual seats sold out. There was also a grey haired fellow who sky-dove into the outfield (don't worry, this was planned) while a woman who spoke very slowly with a mid-western accent welcomed us to Worcester Stadium, and spoke of the self-esteem boost that skydiving provided. She invited us all to try skydiving at her place of business, and also told us that women make better skydivers then men. The second skydiver was an "accuracy specialist." Both missed the GIANT X on the field.

We were seated in the bleachers, behind the Holy Cross Women's Field Hocky team. Holy Cross is interesting because while it is Division 1, I feel like none of their teams are all that good.2 Or, I might just be being a snob because I went to WPI. Who knows. At least we didn't have to wear purple EVERYTHING.

As usual, we left at the seventh, as this is when they stop serving beers.

1I also enjoy people watching at these events. Thanks to the guy I reamed out for grabbing my ass in the beer line, the "Dippen Dots" vendor in the stands, and the numerous fanny pack wearers for adding free entertainment for the evening.

2The only sport that I have any factual basis for this conclusion is rowing, and I'll admit that secretly I was a little jealous of their purple hair ribbons. But definitely NOT their purple crocs.

Wild Willy's

When I am looking to show someone a good time in the homeland, (Maine) there are a few places that I always try to hit. After all, I have to do something to convince them that the complete lack of cellphone service, indoor plumbing, electricity, traffic lights, and general lawlessness are worth the trip1. Imagine my surprise to find that one of Worcester's newest restaurants was actually one of those places! Apparently, franchise locations are popping up throughout New England! Now, you all can enjoy one of my Maine must-visits, without even having to ride a moose to it!

Wild Willy's has just opened up in the former site of Eddy's Restaurant (RIP!), over by the Sam's Club & the Higgins Armory. It began in York, Maine as a super tiny restaurant set back from Route 1 in what could have easily been an old ranch style house. I originally stopped in shortly after I got my driver's license and my pimpin' 1987 Honda Civic playa what!), out of complete curiosity. That, and I had to take Rt1 to the outlets because my civic wasn't four wheel drive. What audacity for a restaurant to locate itself just about completely out of the way from every other restaurant! The answer: It's awesome. Soon enough, all my friends were talking about it and begging to be taken there.

Ok,Ok. Enough of memory lane & the homeland. There are two major characteristics that set Wild Willy's apart from other restaurants: Food & Decor. The menu includes burgers, their veggie counterparts, and the stray chicken sandwich or two. There are maybe 10 variations of burgers, with cute western themed names like "Conestoga"2 or "Annie Oakley". While I have tried almost each and every one, I usually defer to the "Willy Burger" aka "Basic Burger." As they advertise, they are the place to go if you just really love...burgers. The ingredients are fresh, and the food is outstanding. They toast the buns separately. Prices are pretty reasonable too; $6-7 for burgers. Word to the wise: Get the fries, because they are delicious and there is vinegar at the table for them, and I have recently gotten into the +$1 switch to Bison, which apparently is much better for you. They also have wine and beer, and excellent milkshakes. After all, who doesn't want a mocha milkshake to accompany their "Round up"?

The decor is what makes going there such an enjoyable experience. I've been to (4) locations: Worcester & Watertown MA, and York & South Portland ME, and each one is different. BEAUTIFUL western-themed murals cover the walls, but the mural at each restaurant has been different. The one in Worcester is of rolling hills in sepia tones; going to see it alone is worth the burger. Those awkward black and white photos of gunslingers are definitely a staple, as is plenty of antique farm equipment. The whole appearance is so classy and well put together, and you can definitely tell that the people who did it put a lot of time and thought into it. Western themes can go from "Classy" to "Tacky" in about (1) rhinestone belt buckle.

1 Let's also not forget about the livestock running rampant throughout the town. Or the fact that the York location is about 5 miles (by moose) to the Kittery Outlets.
2 I had to Wikipedia this word. It is a horse pulled covered wagon. I'm not sure which term sounds sexier.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Baba Sushi

By far, my two most favorite things about Worcester are my girlfriends and finding new restaurants to eat at (yes, in that order).

One of my girlfriends came home for a long weekend from her jet-setting life in NYC (love her!) and asked if I wanted to meet up with her and TD for sushi on Park Ave. "Duh!"

(Recently unemployed and spending my days studying and commutting in and out of the sewar and major toursit attraction that is Boston for class, I couldn't really think of anything better to spend a couple hours to distract myself!)

I assumed we were going to Haiku, but that was not the case. We went to BABA Restaurant and Sushi Bar. Haven't heard of it? Me either. It's right next to Store 16. Haven't heard of that? Me either. (I've lived in Worcester for 23 years. Where have I been?) It's right diagnonally across from the D'Angelos on the corner of Park and Chandler. (Ohh ok, got it.)

We had the entire back patio to ourselves (ok, it was small and could only fit another party - but fantastic nonetheless!), props to TD for requesting an outdoor table! Points for al fresco.

After noticing our bags and sunglasses, our waiter chatted us up about how smart Gucci, Louis, and Coach were for having people pay for their goods and how much he loved wine and SAKI! He was about as entertaining as our food was delicious. Mmm.

All & All: Good time! A little hidden gem there on Park Ave.!

And, it won "2007 Worcester's Best Chef Award."

Monday, August 18, 2008

Forgotten Gem: The Bean Counter

During my undergraduate tenure, the Bean Counter was a staple in my life. It was where I had my first Latte freshman year (back when I was awake and drinking coffee at 10:30 pm), and where I got into a morning coffee routine my first summer as a working girl. My friends and I went there to sneak a delicious dessert after a raucous early morning exam1, or to pretend we were doing very focused, detailed work while really just clicking random article on Wikipedia. They knew your order, and they didn't judge if you BYO Coffee Brandy. I even lived three doors down for a year or so. This was bad news, both fiscally & physically.

Somehow, in my moves across town, I'd let it slide completely off my radar. That changed yesterday. It was rainy, cool, and I was en-route to see my boy Bruce Springsteen. I suddenly had such a craving for a mint mocha!

No letdowns here. I was pleased to see that the atmosphere and the interior hadn't changed much at all, and the cookie & coffee were both delicious. I made pleasant conversation with the patron behind me in line, and several minutes in I realized I had no idea of the gender of my new friend. Whatever it was, I think it was interested. S/he arched her back to reveal cleanly shaven upper pubic region. Since I was not interested, I quickly moved on with my beverage. One thing that I did NOT miss is the awful mismatch between cups and their respective lids. I think there have been maybe 1-2 times that I have successfully finished an entire beverage without any spillage. The clear plastic cups are the worst.

While I didn't take notes, I am pretty sure the pricepoints fall somewhere between magenta/orange and green/brown. However, the coffee itself is much more varied and delicious, and the dessert options (cheesecake, giant cookies, cupcakes, and gluten free variables of all) are much more tempting. The bagels there are also absolutely incredible, no toasting required. Plus, I always feel better supporting a local business than a massive conglomerate. It's so trendy right now, along with that gathered detail at the tops of bags.

This post actually suffered the same temporary fate as the Bean. I wrote it, and left it in draft format for two weeks. This just makes it all the more exciting to re-discover it! I've actually made it a point to stop in more often on the weekends (not open when I leave for work at 6am, and because I have to go to bed at 10:00 I'm not interested in coffee at 7 when I return). For example, I had an iced coffee for the ride to Fenway.

1 It's cheesecake o'clock somewhere, even if in Worcester it's 9:15 am.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Props to our Alma Mater!

I can actually say, 100%, without a doubt, that I made my Daddy proud today - it's not every day that one reaches Forbes status.

(Especially not at 23! I thought I'd have to wait until at least mid-30s.)

At the end of July, Forbes released a list of the "Top Colleges For Getting Rich." Schools were ranked based on the pay of alumni with 10 to 20 years of work experience.

And, for the top 10, we have:

1. Dartmouth College
2. Princeton University
3. Stanford University
4. Yale University
4. Massachusetts Institute of Technology
6. Harvard University
7. University of Pennslyvania
8. University of Notre Dame
9. Polytechnic University of New York, Brooklyn
9. Worcester Polytechnic Institute
11. University of Chicago

Yeah, Tech!

Of course, haters argue that the people that go to these schools would be successful regardless, but, really? I don't see UMASS Lowell on the list1.

I see good things in our future, KG!

1. It's OK, I have friends that graduated from here.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

West Side Steak & BBQ

This is easily one of my favorite restaurants in Worcester, for the following reasons (in no particular order):

1. outdoor seating
2. BYOB/proximity to a liquor store (great/better!)
3. good food
4. cheap

The place is located in Tronic Square, (don't feel bad, I'd never heard of it either) which is actually the formal name of the little area on Pleasant, right before it hits Chandler.

I went there for dinner with some friends on Friday evening at about 9:00 pm. The restaurant itself has about 7 or 8 outdoor tables, and the adjacent businesses (a convenience store & a coffee shop) each have the same. The area is quite popular on a nice evening. This includes the non-English speaking group that seems to know EVERYONE that drives by, provided they are in an Audi. However, they actually don't get up and go over to talk to their friends. Instead, they just shout accross the entire patio. Their friends then beep the horns back in morse code. Considerate.

While we were getting settled, and being given a hard time by the waitress (who is awesome) for having over a week in between visits (moderately embarrassing), a member of the party went into the liquor store next door for (I think) a six-pack of UFO. As I mentioned before, this place is BYOB wine/beer. Always in style.

I have been frequenting the place for well over a year now, and I will admit that in that time I have only ever had (2) items off the menu: Cajun Chicken sandwich, and the Pulled Pork sandwich. And one time I had 1/2 of the buffalo chicken wrap. But just that one time. The mix of spices used in the Cajun Chicken is absolutely delicious; the proof of this is how rarely I will pass up buffalo-chicken-anything. Sandwiches are served with your choice of regular or (!) sweet potato fries, as well as coleslaw. I opt out of the coleslaw, always. Sometimes I even get double fries in exchange.

Prices are extremely reasonable. Burritos and a few other small entrees start at around $4, and the majority of the menu is under $10 with the exception of a few larger dinner plates. There are non-alcoholic beverages for sale, I think. The dessert menu includes ice cream sundaes and, I'm told, a fried cheesecake. I will have to investigate this further.

The inside of the restaurant is small, but very clean and very well done. There is a giant, colorful, farm mural on one side of the wall, and an equally giant mirror directly across from it. The lower half of the walls is all varnished wainscoting (adorable!), and the tables are clear varnished so that you can see all the jointing (like in an expensive cutting board). It's owned by a Brazilian family, and they all try to wear the same color solid T shirt when working together. For example, some days it's a "hunting orange" day, and some days it's a "royal blue" day. Sometimes, not everyone gets the memo, and there are three "lime greens" and one lone "hunting orange". Plus, in the winter, they had at least (3) different shapes of Christmas lights decorating the windows. LOVE attention to detail.

Excellent restaurant, I wish I could still walk there! (And more importantly, walk home!)