Saturday, September 27, 2008

KG & LP's Favs: October Salon Specials

Jeffrey Roberts 
Voted Best of Worcester 2008
Jeffrey Robert Signature Massage $25 and up
Sports / Deep Tissue Massage $40 and up
Hot Stone Massage $50 and up
Upgrade any one hour massage to 90 minutes for $25 more

Jeffrey Robert Spa Facial $35
Manicure / Pedicure Combo $35

WAXING Specials!
Bikini $15
Brazilian $35
Underarm $12
Lower Leg (knee down) $28
Back $25

St. Cyr Salon Spa 
Worcester's Premier Salon & Day Spa 
Show your college I.D. for 10% off all services Tuesday through Thursday!

Thursday, September 25, 2008


Thursday's are trash collection days here at LP's house.

It's now a rare occasion that I'm home at this time (9 a.m.) since I have fancied myself a new job-- however! Someone knew I must have needed a good laugh.

Setting: LP, stirring around the kitchen, barely able to function, waiting for the coffee to brew. "Hurry up and trickle down faster, I have to finish my research assignment!!1" She hears the sound of the garbage truck finishing up it's trash collection business on her street.

Garbage men:  [Load up the family's garbage]
Garbage truck: [Starts to speed away]

....what the?  I kid you not. A loud, boisterous, YAHOO came from the man on the back. Apparently picking up the trash gives you the same rush as lassoing wild hog. 

In either event, coffee's done. 

1. Internal monologue.  It's known that I can't function before the ten o'clock hour without coffee running through my veins.  Or a good green tea.  Or even a Chai tea is Chai season now, too. 

Aside:  It was too much energy to run to the window to check them out...too bad for them, they could have potentially made the Hottie Watch! 

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Time to Break out the North Face and Uggs: Fall in Worcester

It's officially my favorite time of year!1

And, to help everyone get in the fall spirit, here's a WORCESTERistas Top 5 compilation of what to look forward to:
1. The pumpkin spice latte has made its annual arrival at Starbucks. 
2. Pumpkin Spice beer at Armsby Abbey, the hot new bar on Main Street, featuring over 100 beers on tap, an an alleged hot spot for young professionals, at least on "Friday nights."2
3. Pumpkin bagels at Bagel Time on Park Ave.
4. Apple cider from the cute farm stand on Pleasant Street, just inches into Paxton.
5.  Apple picking from any one of the neighboring towns3 -- and all the yummy desserts that go with it! 

Of course we want to know what your favorite thing is, too! Let us know! 

1. Although I do love a good beach day, they're few and far between here in the Northeast! And I do love the many sweater options: I get cozy just thinking about a cardigan, chunky turtleneck, cable-knit crew...And, no, I won't stop wearing Uggs. I don't care if Vogue says they're "Out."
2. Review (and coordinating story) coming soon!
3. Read:

Monday, September 15, 2008

Hottie Watch: WSC Baseball

Introducing the Hottie Watch:  Because, really? We could all use a little eye candy every now and then!

LP's three mile workout time might be officially switched from the early hours of the morning to approximately 2:10 p.m.

While my DILFs are on sabbatical, the fine young men of Worcester State's baseball team have taken their place at Logan Field.  It seems baseball practice starts around 2 p.m.  America's favorite pastime just got a little sweeter for LP! 

I'm lacing up my Nikes now1

1. ipod set to: Ron Carroll - Walking Down the Street

Sunday, September 14, 2008

My Relationship with Mass Liquors

I am typing one-handed right now, while I enjoy my most recent purchase from my hands down (hah, get it?) favorite liquor store: Mass Liquors.

I first discovered Mass Liquors when I simultaneously moved to the west side and became gainfully employed. I just assumed they had a great selection of beer, wine and liquor because my previous financial situations hadn't really allowed for any real browsing1 I just assumed that they took my Maine license because...why not? It's a legal ID. I just assumed that the staff was friendly and helpful in every neighborhood liquor store. I just assumed that every store carried the delicous beers I sampled throughout the city, a delectable assortment of wines under $15 AND Tanquery in the family sized portion2. I guess I just assumed that was just one more prince charming in the fairy tale that is my adult life in Worcester.

Well, we allllll have heard about what happens when you assume. One day, I moved. I looked forward to getting to know my new local liquor store. I thought I was doing the mature thing, by switching to the new most convenient liquor store, in a strip mall, with no actual title. It just says "Liquor Store" above the door. Aside from the one hottie I saw working there on my first visit in, who lost his hott-ness when he refused to sell to my out of state id, even with the slammin photo, the staff there is horrible. The booze was SO overpriced, and in nothing larger than a liter. I politely inquired at what point we would be at the point in our relationship where we would be past all these "formalities" and they could just address me by name when I walked in wearing sweatpants a ball cap to buy a 30 of bud light. Not only did they say that would never happen, THEY DIDN'T EVEN CARRY 30's! I couldn' t believe that I had almost let go of something so wonderful, for something so awful.

So, I guess I realized who really cared about me: Mass Liquors. I'm willing to overcome the distance, to really make it work between us. Some of my favorite Mass Liquors stories include:

1. The time they entered the expiration dating on my old roomate's VT id and made a scene that it was a fake, then they gave her a free t-shirt

2. They put Saranac Summer Sampler 12's in the fridge for me, hidden. 12 packs of Michelob Ultra Fruit Infusions are also available.

3. An impressive array of hard liquor & beers- including foreign and domestic brews from too many places to name.

4. Each of the staff members, when looking at my ID for the first time, said "hey, that's where Shipyard is from!"

5. The double entendre of the title: MASSachusetts & MASS quantities!

So, we're back together. And I feel really good about it this time3.

1 With the exception of the occasional splurge during lucrative summer interships or special occasions, my staples were: Arbor Mist, Bud Light, and the Gallon o'Yellow Tail for a special occasion.
2 Perhaps "Family Size" shouldn't be equated to a handle of alcohol.
3 It's probably inappropriate to compare my tumultuous relationship with a liquor store to an actual human relationship. I'll work on that in the future.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Keeping Your Bronze: Looking Smart Post-Labor Day

Ok, I admit. I'm definitely one of those girls who is darker in the winter than she is in the summer. I know, I know. I chaulk it up to the constant GRAY that seems to hover over not only Worcester, but all of New England from end of September through April1.

But, in my defense, when it's in the twenty's outside and you get a twelve minute vaca of nothing but the bronzing rays, it's sure to put a smile on your (not-so-pasty) face. 

I'm an advocate for (moderate) indoor tanning2:
1. You regulate the amount of exposure you get v. baking outside all day in the damaging rays of the sun3.
2. You can't get enough Vitamin D!
3. Indoors you're exposed to more UVA rays v. UVB rays (think B for burning) 

And, in true WORCESTERistas fashion, we're going to share some tips:
> Before you go, check to see if any of the salons have a "first time free" with an ID.
> Two words: Student Discounts.
> Think ahead: Package deals are often more economic than paying as you go. (And you can save the extra dough and stop for a martini at 111 after!)
> If you've been to Indian Summer - West Side, you must check out the East Side location by Greendale Mall, Wild Willy's, and the new Carbonneau's location for your complimentary tan!
> Don't forget moisturizers after your tan - it's essential for the longevity of your color!

Get ready for your best Miss America impression and wave goodbye to the wintertime blues!

1. Who says we have four seasons? We have three: humid (better known as the 8 weeks from the end of June, through July and the first couple of August, chilly (August through October), and colder (everything else). Bla.
2. Moderate, because, really? Who wants to look like a California Raisin. Sure they can dance and sing...but it's not becoming for a lady! (Or orange like a poorly tanned Guido!)
3. Might as well just say, "Pass the barbeque sauce!"

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Tom's Gourmet Marketplace

I was trying to hold off on posting. After all, who wants to cover that lovely photo!

Today I found myself in Northboro right around lunch time. Well, maybe not lunch time exactly, but I was completely ready to sneak in what could be my third lunch NOT in front of the computer in months.

I'd fallen into a habit of stopping to visit my buddy Tom for coffee/guilty pastry binges whenever I'm in the area for work. This is once or twice a week. That's a lot of German Chocolate bars.

Tom's store is located in downtown Northboro. The decor inside is very trendy and very homey at the same time. Exposed duct work (one of my personal favorite interior decorating motifs), and exposed beams (also classy) are the main interior focus, and there are several tables inside and outside of the main store. There is a wide selection of gourmet foods including oils, spreads, spices, and some other things I did not recognize. They also have a full deli, pre-made meals, bar, and coffee shop. In the basement, they host cooking classes that can be put together for fun or corporate teambuilding. The only thing missing is..oh wait. Nothing. I don't even have to BMOB.

I had grabbed a few sandwiches to go before, but today I wanted to be a little more daring. In a giant glass case, they have ~20 pre-made entrees including chicken, seafood, beef, and vegetarian options. Today's options included grilled Italian farmhouse chicken, chicken cordon blue, Jamaican ribs, shrimp marinara, and (3) kinds of lasagna. And the best part? The menu actually changes every week! Prices for the entrees hover around $6, and for around $9 you get a full meal including (2) sides. I ordered the chicken stuffed with spinach and mushrooms. I was thinking that a serving would be 1/2 of the massive chicken boobie I saw. Nope. The whole boob. They heated it all up, topped it with a little sauce, and brought it out to me on the deck. Delicious! When I came in to ask for a to go box, Tom looked at me knowingly and said "I wouldn't have known what to do if you put that whole thing down." Well put Tom, well put. I'll think of you later tonight when I DO put the rest of it down.

The website is They have the menu, the hours, and all sorts of neat little things they sell.