Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Auburn Mall Update

Awhile back, our friend LP metioned a truly special experience in the Auburn Mall. I had a similar one just a few weeks ago when I realized my cell phone was primed and ready for an upgrade! It was time to visit the mall that first made me realize how truly special it is to have a kiosk every 40 feet.

First on the tour: Guidos of the Verizon kiosk. LP, happy to report that in fact they are still there and they are looking FINE now that the summer is approaching for these Jersey Shore wannabees.

The Alltel cage came next. Now I'm not sure why these Abercrombie "meatstick" boys have such a "we're too cool to talk to you attitude." Seriously? You're pushing cell phones (not even for one of the big boy companies!) at 8:00 pm on a Thursday. I bet you don't have a whole lot going for you. Get out there. Maybe one day someone from the ATT kiosk will notice your ambition and pull you in.

A new player to the game, Metro wireless, had a round up of those men you often see piled into a Corolla with no more than (3) silver (read: plastic) rims. That's probably all I need to say.

Ahh, the ATT kiosk. This apparently is what those nerdy, sensitive boys in high school end up doing. You know, once they find hair product (use too much of it), loose their virginity to some obese girl, trim their nails incessantly after just in case they get to third base, live with their parents for about 10 years, and have that light green tinted skin from too much time in front of the monitor. How do I know thats what the skin tint was from? Probably because the kid offered to sell me his World of Warcraft membership. Thats right, he whipped the card out right then and there. The best part of all? Him casually browsing my account (well, my mom's account. still on the family plan, don't judge) to try to be textually active with me. What is this world coming to when a gal's textual relations aren't sacred.


Big Asshole said...

Ah, the Auburn Mall - a true local landmark. One can never enter that mall without wondering how in hell it stayed open after all these years!

Nice descriptions - I'll remember to avoid the kiosk when my phone contract needs renewing

LP said...

I am so glad my Guid's were up to their usual husslin'

It *is* almost time for that orange skin, spikey hair, big muscles ...countdown to Memorial Day Weekend at the Shore!!