Friday, September 12, 2008

Keeping Your Bronze: Looking Smart Post-Labor Day

Ok, I admit. I'm definitely one of those girls who is darker in the winter than she is in the summer. I know, I know. I chaulk it up to the constant GRAY that seems to hover over not only Worcester, but all of New England from end of September through April1.

But, in my defense, when it's in the twenty's outside and you get a twelve minute vaca of nothing but the bronzing rays, it's sure to put a smile on your (not-so-pasty) face. 

I'm an advocate for (moderate) indoor tanning2:
1. You regulate the amount of exposure you get v. baking outside all day in the damaging rays of the sun3.
2. You can't get enough Vitamin D!
3. Indoors you're exposed to more UVA rays v. UVB rays (think B for burning) 

And, in true WORCESTERistas fashion, we're going to share some tips:
> Before you go, check to see if any of the salons have a "first time free" with an ID.
> Two words: Student Discounts.
> Think ahead: Package deals are often more economic than paying as you go. (And you can save the extra dough and stop for a martini at 111 after!)
> If you've been to Indian Summer - West Side, you must check out the East Side location by Greendale Mall, Wild Willy's, and the new Carbonneau's location for your complimentary tan!
> Don't forget moisturizers after your tan - it's essential for the longevity of your color!

Get ready for your best Miss America impression and wave goodbye to the wintertime blues!

1. Who says we have four seasons? We have three: humid (better known as the 8 weeks from the end of June, through July and the first couple of August, chilly (August through October), and colder (everything else). Bla.
2. Moderate, because, really? Who wants to look like a California Raisin. Sure they can dance and sing...but it's not becoming for a lady! (Or orange like a poorly tanned Guido!)
3. Might as well just say, "Pass the barbeque sauce!"

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