Monday, December 15, 2008

BYO Round-Up

Amidst the floudering economy, one of Worcester's most enduring qualities was reinforced for me this weekend: the BYOB restaurant. From some light online reesarch, it seems like it might be a bit difficult (and expsensive) to actually hold a full liquor license in the city. Therefore, many restaurants don't even bat an eye when you bring your own bottle of wine, a few beers, or in one case I heard of, the better part of a keg into a restaurant. Here are some of our favorites (some you may know of, some you should probably suprise a date with a 6-pack and check out!)

Tortilla Sams, Highland Ave - Our first experience with BYOB during our undergrad tenure. The mexican food is great, the service isn't so hot, and it's just a short walk to once you recover from the inflated prices of Highland Liquors. At least the staff has turned over enough there so that they didn't recognize me on Friday night.

West Side Steak & BBQ, Richmond Ave - Nothing says summer like friends, BBQ and Leinies & loitering at Tronic Square. See previous post for further descpription.

Corner Grille, Across the Street - I would stick with Yellow Tail or better, or else you'll just feel out of place at the trendiest pie company in town. Cabernet + Buffalo Chicken or Mad Russian is about the easiest way to this girl's heart!

Le Mirage, June Street - Even though I lived well within the stumble range for this small french restaurant for a year, this is still a must hit for me at some point sometime soon. From the looks of this place, I would also avoid Bud Light. Probably no boxed wine either.

Mac's Diner, Shrewsbury Street- I will assume the body of the restaurant did start out as a typical Worcester diner, however the rest of the facility is some sort of drunken architect's mishmash. Or maybe several architects. However, the food is great and definitely share-ablely portioned.

Lucky's, Grove Street - I've only ever been here for breakfast, and finding out it was BYOB opened up the possibility of Mimosas (or Screwdrivers if you're so inclined) on a Sunday morning. If you'd rather wait until noon, they do lunch (cute sandwiches!) 7 days a week, and dinner Fri & Sat.

Zia, Shrewsbury Street - Another one I haven't tried, but will definitely have to. I hear it's a mostly italian menu, with a few American items thrown in. LP? What are you doing this weekend?

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