Monday, December 15, 2008

One morning without power was enough...

...but, apparently there are still 12,000  people without power in Worcester (yea, that's twelve THOUSAND, not a typo).

I "Rip van Winkle'd" it, and slept through this "ice storm" we had Thursday night and woke up Friday morning to the precious sound of my boss' voice, "RISE AND SHINE SWEETHEART! WE DONT HAVE POWER SO WE'RE GOING TO PLAY IT BY EAR...MAYBE YOU CAN WORK AT NOON. MAYBE NOT UNTIL THREE.  I JUST DON'T KNOW, LIZZY, EVERYTHINGS A MESS. I'LL KEEP YOU POSTED."  (yea, he really talks in all caps.)

(Whhhaat? No "power?" Thank God I straightened my hair the night before. First things first, right?)

Happy to get an extra hour to sleep, since I wasn't quite prepared to "Little House on the Prairie" it and begin studying by candlelight, I didn't realize how bad our precious city was until I went to Starbucks:  that little side street that connects Flagg and Pleasant was completely blocked off by an enormous much for my shortcut!  I had to navigate and weave in and out of fallen branches all along the West Side, careful to avoid fallen down power-lines.  (Must.Get.Espresso.)

For our out-of-city readers, here's a picture of the aftermath, courtesy of the Boston Globe:

Read the accompanying article, too, from December 13, "Ice Storm Paralyzes Parts of New England." 

The city is still being cleaned up and I was back to work bronzing Worcester's finest today.  Schools are closed again tomorrow:  Four day weekend for the kiddies (and Momma P)!

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