Friday, December 12, 2008

Coming of Age in the City

Many moons ago, I came upon the age of 21. For the trendy WPI student, the rite of passage was some variation of the Boynton & Sole buckets, with the evening inevitably ending at Leitrums.

This post is a bit delayed, but recently my twin brothers came upon the sacred age. I didn't actually go out with them for the evening, as part of my present was to be on Emergency Room Duty (we agreed that this was the best decision for all of us, as I work and at least one of them was likely to need a lil' pump pump pump), but we did have a makeup date. I thought I would dictate what their coming of age would consist of:

Brew City- I feel like this place was introduced as a Boynton alternative. While I hear that it definitely had it's heyday, I am less and less impressed each time I go. Don't get me wrong, I love beer, but I need a little more than the Pomegranate Wheat they had on tap over the summer. Buffalo tenders were not that great, and I hate it when my hummus has a little pool of oil that says "hi, I'm ready to swim around on your thighs."

Jose Murphy's- Potentially the place that is most on the cusp of sketchy/not so much in the whole canal district. It's newer, and the downstairs isn't so bad, but it's a whole new game upstairs. Loud blaring music. The other problem? I don't think they realize T.I. has a new album out- I heard Bring 'Em Out in some form at least twice. When I couldn't take watching my little brother drunk grind any more girls, we left.

The Salty Dog- The walk TO the Salty Dog is potentially one of the scarier transitions in town-it was comforting to look left and right and be looking UP, regardless of how drunk either side was. I have been to the Salty Dog a few times since this evening, and it's an eclectic locale. A few points of interest:
1. They have a mechanical bull.
1a. I won a round on it early on in it's existence
2. After last call you can actually PAY MONEY to be AGGRESSIVELY PADDLED by a very cute bartender (the sound actually reverberates through the bar)
3. It's really well lit for a bar. This could go either way.
4. If you urinate on someone in the restroom, you will be asked to leave.

And with that, the evening ended.

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