Monday, August 18, 2008

Forgotten Gem: The Bean Counter

During my undergraduate tenure, the Bean Counter was a staple in my life. It was where I had my first Latte freshman year (back when I was awake and drinking coffee at 10:30 pm), and where I got into a morning coffee routine my first summer as a working girl. My friends and I went there to sneak a delicious dessert after a raucous early morning exam1, or to pretend we were doing very focused, detailed work while really just clicking random article on Wikipedia. They knew your order, and they didn't judge if you BYO Coffee Brandy. I even lived three doors down for a year or so. This was bad news, both fiscally & physically.

Somehow, in my moves across town, I'd let it slide completely off my radar. That changed yesterday. It was rainy, cool, and I was en-route to see my boy Bruce Springsteen. I suddenly had such a craving for a mint mocha!

No letdowns here. I was pleased to see that the atmosphere and the interior hadn't changed much at all, and the cookie & coffee were both delicious. I made pleasant conversation with the patron behind me in line, and several minutes in I realized I had no idea of the gender of my new friend. Whatever it was, I think it was interested. S/he arched her back to reveal cleanly shaven upper pubic region. Since I was not interested, I quickly moved on with my beverage. One thing that I did NOT miss is the awful mismatch between cups and their respective lids. I think there have been maybe 1-2 times that I have successfully finished an entire beverage without any spillage. The clear plastic cups are the worst.

While I didn't take notes, I am pretty sure the pricepoints fall somewhere between magenta/orange and green/brown. However, the coffee itself is much more varied and delicious, and the dessert options (cheesecake, giant cookies, cupcakes, and gluten free variables of all) are much more tempting. The bagels there are also absolutely incredible, no toasting required. Plus, I always feel better supporting a local business than a massive conglomerate. It's so trendy right now, along with that gathered detail at the tops of bags.

This post actually suffered the same temporary fate as the Bean. I wrote it, and left it in draft format for two weeks. This just makes it all the more exciting to re-discover it! I've actually made it a point to stop in more often on the weekends (not open when I leave for work at 6am, and because I have to go to bed at 10:00 I'm not interested in coffee at 7 when I return). For example, I had an iced coffee for the ride to Fenway.

1 It's cheesecake o'clock somewhere, even if in Worcester it's 9:15 am.

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