Saturday, August 23, 2008

Worcester Tornados

Last night, I went to a Worcester Tornados game at Hanover Insurance Field, at Holy Cross. This is one of my favorite summertime activities, as both the tickets at the beer are cheap. The stadium is pretty small and the seats are better than I would get at a Sox game, so I usually pay attention a little more. AAA Ball tends to have better action, because these guys are still gunning to make it to the big leagues and if their visas expire they turn into pumpkins (aka shipped back to Cuba). Plus, there is the added thrill of a foul ball at any time. I have an irrational fear of foul balls. And 35 year old men who still bring their baseball gloves to the game.1

Last night's game was special in a few ways. This was the first game I've attended where the actual seats sold out. There was also a grey haired fellow who sky-dove into the outfield (don't worry, this was planned) while a woman who spoke very slowly with a mid-western accent welcomed us to Worcester Stadium, and spoke of the self-esteem boost that skydiving provided. She invited us all to try skydiving at her place of business, and also told us that women make better skydivers then men. The second skydiver was an "accuracy specialist." Both missed the GIANT X on the field.

We were seated in the bleachers, behind the Holy Cross Women's Field Hocky team. Holy Cross is interesting because while it is Division 1, I feel like none of their teams are all that good.2 Or, I might just be being a snob because I went to WPI. Who knows. At least we didn't have to wear purple EVERYTHING.

As usual, we left at the seventh, as this is when they stop serving beers.

1I also enjoy people watching at these events. Thanks to the guy I reamed out for grabbing my ass in the beer line, the "Dippen Dots" vendor in the stands, and the numerous fanny pack wearers for adding free entertainment for the evening.

2The only sport that I have any factual basis for this conclusion is rowing, and I'll admit that secretly I was a little jealous of their purple hair ribbons. But definitely NOT their purple crocs.

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